Carnival Parade Entry Form Parade Day: Sunday 11th August 2024Theme: At The Seaside Closing Date for Entries: 1st August 2024Entry Fee: FREEAny donation towards the organising of the event is graciously welcome Name of Entry / Business Contact Name Contact Address Email Phone Number Mobile Number Entry / Float Description Will you be playing music? Yes No You must submit a completed risk assessment and public Liability in order to take part in the parade. Upload Public Liability Upload Risk Assessment Important Legal NoticeOn behalf of this Carnival Entry, I agree to abide by the rules and decisions of the Skegness Carnival Committee. The Carnival Committee Members and Organisers accept no responsibility for loss, injury or accidental damage to persons or property, however caused. All entrants will be responsible for their own vehicle and Public Liability Insurance etc My signature on behalf of this entry, agrees that I have read and understand all the Carnival Rules. I am also submitting a completed risk assessment at the same time. Risk assessment forms are available to download from the Skegness Carnival website. Agreement I have read and understand the important information above. I have read and understand the Important Legal Notice I have or will send my Public Liability I have or will send a completed Risk Assessment Submit